BetterHash News

LHR - Lite Hash Rate NVidia GPU Support - BetterHash News


The latest automatic update of BetterHash adds the suffix "LHR" to the names of all Nvidia graphics cards that are equipped with a reduced hash rate GPU (LHR stands for "Lite Hash Rate"). Once we receive more data, we'll split the GPU estimations on our website and display separate reports for regular and LHR NVidia GPUs. Hash rates are different, and we'll treat those GPUs as distinct from now on. The update will improve profit switching accuracy for everyone.

You can read more about LHR (Lite Hash Rate) here:

BetterHash Team

About the Author

Daniel Statescu is the CEO of Innovative Solutions, the company that created BetterHash. Cryptocurrency enthusiast and code geek, he came up with the idea of BetterHash when he saw the need for a user friendly mining interface that would make mining accessible even for the most inexperienced.