You can now check in on your BetterHash account even faster than before. Follow our BetterHashBot in Telegram and get messages on miner disconnections, withdrawals and affiliate commission earnings. Other commands for checking wallets amounts, transfers, number of shares, estimated total and more are available by asking the bot. Type /HELP to get the complete list.
/OUT --- Displays the last BTC withdrawals
/TOTAL --- Displays the estimated account value
/WALLETS --- Lists the amount available in each wallet
/SHARES --- Lists the number of shares accumulated since the last payment
There are two ways you can subscribe to the BetterHashBot in Telegram, either from your BetterHash application or your online account.
Online Account
You can activate Telegram notifications from the Notifications tab in your online account.
The BetterHash Miner
You can activate Telegram notifications from the BetterHash app in the Home tab as well.