
Coin Mining Fee Withdrawal Fee
BTC - FREE withdrawals to Binance accounts
BTG no fee no fee
BEAM no fee no fee
CFX no fee no fee
ERG no fee no fee
ETC no fee no fee
ETH no fee no fee
FIRO no fee no fee
FLUX no fee no fee
DASH no fee no fee
RVN no fee no fee
XMR no fee no fee
ZEC no fee no fee

Does BetterHash charge fees?

BetterHash has no usage fees or mining fees.

You can use BetterHash on as many computers as you’d like, free of charge. Link the same account to all your PCs and you’re good to go.

Mining fees are the ones perceived by pools. BetterHash selects the best performing pool in order to maximize your revenue. Almost every pool charges a 1% fee. We never connect to pools that have higher mining fees.

What are the withdrawal fees?

We allow our users to withdraw the mined coins directly (BTG, ETC, ETH, RVN, DASH, XMR, ZEC) or to exchange and withdraw them to BTC (by using Binance's exchange services).

There is a ZERO FEE for all withdrawals to BTG, ETC, ETH, RVN, DASH, XMR and ZEC. The only fee to be paid is the regular network transfer fee, that depends from one coin to another.

The only existent fee applies to BTC withdrawals, a fixed withdrawal fee of (no matter the transferred amount).

How can we estimate?

We don't know the miner's fee before the transfer is made. Therefore, we charge a default value, and, after the transfer, when we know exactly how much the fee was, we credit the user back for the difference. For example, for XMR we charge a initial fee, and return the remainder to the user if the final fee was lower.

We also monitor all transfers and, during this phase, in case we get a transfer error - we manually perform the transfer as soon as possible.

For the BTC transfer we use Binance.com services to make the exchange. The withdrawal fee is one of the lowest fees for withdrawing. If you don't agree with the exchange fee, you can always withdraw the exact currency you mined and pay the network fee instead.