Benchmarking issues? Let us assist you!

Not all my GPUs are detected

The most common issue is linking the GPUs using SLI. In order to profitably mine you will need to disable SLI. When SLI is used only one adapter will be detected instead of two. More than this, please check if your drivers are correctly installed. Our recommendation is to always use drivers from the video adapter's manufacturer website. They are usually better than the ones Windows supplies.

Looks like the name of my video adapter is incorrect

This might happen when Windows didn't recently refresh the WMI database. There's a YouTube video here that explains you how to manually refresh the WMI database. However. even if the name isn't correctly displayed - the right adapter is used.

I get a message saying "application has been blocked from accessing graphics hardware"

This is a Windows / driver configuration issue. Please take a look at this YouTube video here showing you how to solve it.

All I can see is "waiting for benchmark results"

If your CPU / GPU is not too powerful then you won't be able to profitably mine. If BetterHash waits for 60 seconds and gets no result from the miner - then it will decide not to use it because it would be a waste of energy.

What happens once I turn on Profit Switching if I have a specific GPU/CPU turned off/set to "none"?

To activate profit switching on a previously disabled GPU or CPU, you must first perform a complete benchmark. After the benchmark is over, you must make sure you select anything different than "none" in the miners list. GPUs that have the mining algorithm set to "none" will NOT be used for profit switching.